Rohingya Muslims commit genocide to Myanmar people in Rakhine State

Dec 4, 2016
December 4, 2016, Yangon, Myanmar.
In support of our Myanmar government’s resolution on Rohingya Muslims issues, I firmly announce that Rohingya muslims are committing genocide to ethnic Rakhines in Myanmar by the crisis followed violence on October 9 in which gunmen attacked three police outposts in Maungdaw township in northern Rakhine State near the Bangladesh border, leaving nine police officers dead. The government said that the attackers made off with dozens of weapons and thousands of rounds of ammunition. The Burmese government asserts the attack was carried out by a Rohingya group that our government already released responsible persons’ names as well. I assert that our Myanmar army and government are not committing genocide to Rohingya Muslims in the Western part of Myanmar where local ethnic Rakhine people are majority and I reversely blame Rohingya Muslims are committing genocide to local Myanmar people who are the owners of this Golden Land.
To add, our previous governments were not exempted from the blame because many government officer’s corruption made Rohingya Muslims settle in Rakhine state and such corruption is one of the main reasons which fuel current crisis.
Regarding the role of international organizations, I am confident to say that some UN agencies and international NGOs are making money for their organizations by building and supporting refugee camps for Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state. In such camps, Muslim leaders are systematically controlling humanitarian aids to their people to prolong the crisis and diseases so that they can eat without work and they can procreate populations of Rohingya in Myanmar and I urgently urge our government to close such camps as soon as possible. Furthermore, I learn from local reliable people that some foreign Muslim countries are apparently supporting troubled makers of Rohingya Muslims, financially in our border as well.
Finally blaming the participation of Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak in demonstration in Kualalumpur on 3 December against Myanmar government, I give my full support the establishment of Kofi Annan’s commission on Rakhine issues and handling of President U Thin Kyaw’s government and Myanmar army with humanitarian principles and urged international communities to condemn genocide commitment of Rohingya Muslims on Myanmar people in Rakhine state. Chief-Editor